Wednesday, 30 April 2014

A Chinese Kiss A Pig To Encourage Students Not To Drop Litter Outside There School

Teacher kisses pig
Mr Hong was unable to borrow a piglet so had to settle for a pig
    A Chinese schoolteacher has delighted his students by kissing a pig to thank them for not dropping litter outside their school.
Rather than punish them, 47-year-old assistant principle Hong Yaoming chose to motivate them, by promising to kiss a piglet if they did what they were told.
Within a month the students had cleaned-up all the rubbish outside the school in Xianning City and Mr Hong had no option but to fulfil his promise.
Teacher kisses pig
Mr Hong prepares to fulfill his promise
But he was unable to borrow a piglet for the day and had to settle for a fully-grown pig instead.
A 19-second video of him kissing the swine in front of giggling students has gone viral on Chinese social-media site Weibo.
"Instead of a regular-sized piglet weighing less than 5kg (11 lbs), the pig I got was about 20 kg (44 lbs)," Mr Hong said.
Teacher kisses pig
His students reacted with delight
Mr Hong said he had heard about a similar case in the United States where a school teacher promised to kiss a pig if his pupils did well in their maths exams.
"I was stressed by the bet. I couldn't imagine how horrible it would be if the pig bit me when I kissed it," he said.
Mr Hong was not bitten by the pig.

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